Saturday, May 13, 2006

Animal Farm

Finally got an oppty to find material to write. Apologies to my readers!(wonder if I have any:))
I was at Tulsa, OK the entire last week again on official travel. And lo and behold, I found my material as soon as I landed!
Without much further ado, presenting (drumroll)- the animal print!
Every third woman(ok, i am exaggerating a lil), in Oklahoma wore some kind of animal print. The most popular was of course the leopard print. Young and old women alike wore them in the form of dresses/shirts/pants. Gift shops at the terminal had luggage which was made out of them. Women carried vanity bags made in the same print.
the word 'hideous' in this case is too literal. You wear the hides of these animals to look -glamorous?????
I guess they are trying to waken up their wilder instincts by wearing these "hide"ous outfits.
its not only ladies in Oklahoma who are accused of this serious fashion crime. I have seen everything from zebras to leopards being converted into some sort of accessory - a purse, head band, a belt, shoes have these prints all across the country.
If the animals in the jungle had any legal representation, the designers would be being sued for this fashion crime!
Ladies, just some good advice - unless you were working for PETA and you were tryng to make a point about animal cruelty, please dont be seen outside carrying these natures' aberrations.