Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ho Ho Ho !

I love this time of the year. The beautiful weather, the lovely parties, starting from thanksgiving, there are multiple types of parties too - the pre-thanksgiving party, the thanksgiving lunch, the end of year holiday parties, the office holiday parties, the company holiday party, the christmas party, the new years party. Mind you, each one of these occasions is distinct and special. This also marks the big change in the fashion of the season. New styles in jackets, sweaters, shawls, scarves, vests, boots, stockings and of course the holiday dresses.
This year, me being in a good mood and all, I wanted to put a small twist on my holiday post. First get my angst out, and then write about the holiday trends!
I accompanied one of my dear friends to his company's holiday annual party. I wont mention the company's name, suffice to say that they wont be yodelling any time soon.Get it. "Yodelling". Oh come on! Anyways, the party was really fun, had a vegas theme and all. And all the employees showed up in their party best. Unfortunately, most of them wore some of those clothes, which were only brought out of the closet or the cardboard box in the attic this time in the year, and stored away with the moth balls till another year later. Another year, another christmas, same dress, same holiday jacket, same make-up! Lord, please help. Please deliver us from this evil.
You can tell very easily from the styles. I dont think stores actually sell them anywhere. I actually gagged when I saw a woman in a purple skirt suit. Why? And how?
Another one is highly inappropriate dressing for a holiday party. If you are showing up for your company's annual holiday party, atleast dont show up in a sweatshirt and jeans.
I lost my appetite when I actually saw two of these slightly(ahem) big women, dressed in their Vegas best. Their Vegas Ho best actually. Really short dresses and tons of cleavage. Again, why?
I know that the economy is taking a bad turn and its now perhaps not frugal to invest in special holiday attire. And we do forgive those who sin against us. Dont we?
Instead I am going to turn a new leaf and am going to be positive and hope that the world takes a better turn.
So here goes, the few top trends for this season.
Flats, flats, flats - Ladies, great fabulous news. Flats are back! Big time back. The WSJ claims that it has something to do with the economy. Apparently women are feeling a little down and flats are more with their moods than heels. I rejoice. Not because they are particularly sexy, but because I can then party for hours together without whining every 30 min:) So go all out - the tuxedo flats, the colored glittered sequins flats, the plaid flats and my favorite, nude satin flats!
Socks - Long knee high argyle socks are in. In a big way. The idea is a little borrowed from the female tennis player/golfer look. But they make your legs look really long and have a very nice way of dressing up even the dowdiest of your office wear!
Boots and the skirt/dress - This is one of those timeless fashions. It stays together every season. For some reason, I dont really like the style. I feel if you go slightly wrong with the choice of the length of boot, style of boot, color of boot, it ends up making the calves looking big and bulky rather than slender and sexy.
Argyle sweaters for men - For the boys, I love the look with a plain shirt inside and sleeves rolled up with the argyle sweaters. I think it makes them look really sexy. Make sure that the argyle sweater is in a bright color. Stay away from dark colors like navy blue, black, maroon, red and brown. Also try and buy a pure wool sweater, that way the sweater is not bulky and makes you hide the unseemly stuff pretty easily!
Poofy Jackets sleeves for women - Ladies, more for you. The big poofy sleeved jackets are in. You can invest in a short jacket, a long jacket. Also, stick to the darker shades when doing the poofy.
SJP flowers - Thanks to Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City, the big flower brooches are really popular. Pair your old jacket, dress, sweater with a bright or jewelled flower brooch and you have dressed up a dull outfit successfully!
Stockings - I have already written about fishnet stockings in my previous post. Colored American apparel stockings are in. But you have to be very very careful about your choice of stocking color. If you are even a shade off, you may end up looking like an Elf! To wear stockings, wear a short dress, or a longer sweater with stockings and boots. In your entire outfit, make sure that there is only one bright colored item though!!
Bling it up baby! - Anything thats shiny and spangled is in. Hoodies, jackets, purses, shrugs, tank tops, sweaters. Go for it. This is the only time in the year you can wear it without looking like a disco ball!
Happy Holidays Peeps!