Friday, January 26, 2007

Peeping Tom!

Down, down, down..Alice fell into the rabbit hole without ever thinking how she will get back again. She saw a little door and was curious to find out what was behind it. It was locked. She looked around and found a key on the table. She unlocked the door and could see great beautiful gardens and many wonderful things. But she was too big to fit into the door.
Alice in Wonderland was wonderful. I am seeking inspiration from Lewis Caroll to use euphemisms to write my next blog!
Euphemisms, because I am trying to be subtle about it and dont have the gall to write explicitly. Women wearing pant suits was considered a big step for feminism. 'Nice' women wore skirts and blouses and that was that.
Times have changed and so has the mentality. In keeping with wearing 'formal' clothing at work, many women wear formal shirts along with their/skirts or trousers. The shirts, however, being not so friendly to the women's body, fit them like they would fit men. Things have gotten a little better. Nowadays, shirts have curves and waists. But, some women are better endowed than others and they leave a peeping hole between their second and third buttons because it doesnt fit perfectly!
Ladies, my only suggestion is that please correct what I can deem only as an honest mistake. Its not in the least bit sexy to have a peeping hole! So the next time you are out doing your power shopping, I would suggest that you definitely take steps to ward off any peeping toms!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

doughnuts are made of (w)holes!

Atoms form molecules. Molecules form matter. and so on and so forth. This has been the nature of life. The point I am trying to make with this analogy is that ultimately the idea of a "whole" is our truth. No, I have not gone bonkers. I am not trying to get into metaphysics or have become deeply philosophical. In a minute you will understand where I am trying to go with this.
There are people of course who choose to defy this absolute banal truth and pretend as if it never existed at all!
These are the people who you see, men and women walking in a mall/airport/street, without any clue that they are defying science! They behave as if their upper half of the body and their low half of the body belonged to two different people. Human beings are not always the perfect 10 models. They dont grow proportionately wide everywhere. some have convex curves and some none at all. Some are top heavy, and some are bottom heavy. Some gain fat and have huge girths.
However, if you walk into a mall, the bottom heavy ones will buy size 10 jeans and buy a Size 'small' for the top! its as if they would rather believe that as long as they are able to fit into the 'small' top..there is hope in this world..some day you will be able to buy those size 2 jeans to go with your small top! Until that day however, please try and apply the norms of metaphysics to your sense of fashion!