Wednesday, January 19, 2011

High Heel Unconfidential

This post largely applies to the ladies. So boys if you are reading, please don't get bored, you may pick up a thing or two about us that you didn't know about. So patience.

Today, as a rare sighting at my workplace, as I was walking to the cafeteria, I came across this really tall, stylishly dressed girl. Now, if you lived amongst people, who wore jeans and sweatshirts everyday in a large technology company and you suddenly noticed anyone even remotely put together, you would label them a fashionista. As I have been called. Mind you, as I say this, due to unfortunate circumstances, I have been wearing sneakers to work. *Gasp*. I know, I know. But my life is in shambles right now, and my one pair of CK heels broke and hear I am walking in the horrid rain in Portland, and taking public transport in my tennis shoes. I am ranting now. But, I am sure you can sympathise.
Any way, getting back to the topic. This tall girl, was walking in front of me, and I was even making a mental note of what she was wearing, I noticed her walking funny. And staring South, I realized, she was wearing 4 inch heels that didnt fit her well, and she wobbled.
Ladies, ladies, ladies. My mantra has always been "style before comfort". But if you are going to look like a horse trotting in those uncomfortable shoes, instead of looking confident and sassy, maybe, just maybe its time to switch to "chic and confident" instead of wobble-wobble? Now, I'll concede that there is no replacement to wearing high heels. They elongate your look, give you a better posture, and overall make your legs look sexy like nothing else can. Men, however, with their diminished observation powers, however perk up when they see a pair of stilletoes. A stilleto to them says many things - sexy, confident, sassy, and bold. Yes. Not a wallflower bold. And if you went the other way - as in platform stilletoes or transparent stilletoes a Mrs. Hulk hogan with platinum blonde highlights and fake boobs, then we have another blog post coming up.
But you get my drift.
Here's my advice. First, there are some ground rules to follow when you buy heels especially if you are a new heel wearer. Second, for all others, invest in one good pair of shoes instead of buying 2 bad ones.
And third, stand tall.