Wednesday, March 19, 2008

tats - ugly or saxy?

The age old dilemma. From time immemorial, I have wondered whether tattoos are ugly or beautiful. I will admit, without trying to date myself, that growing up, I always thought that they were super cool. Of course, this was also the time when I thought that I would totally have my own motorcycle and go about town riding really fast.
Years have passed, and I have become wiser. With wisdom, came the awareness that there is nothing cool about riding a motorcycle at a 100 mph, and then having all your body parts taped together if you managed to get out alive out of an impending carnage. I would rather be protected by some air-bags. But, saying this, I dont want to jinx all my motorcycle riding pals. Cool looking tattoos go hand in hand with the rebel-with-a-cause look. Of course so do body piercings and dyed hair.
But my particular grievance is with tattoos. Tats, as they are called, are beautiful when you get them done initially. The novelty alone is quite exhilirating. They vary from being elaborate pieces of wearable art on your arms, your back, your naughty bits to simple I-just-want-to-do-it-for-the-heck-of-it ones. After going through the excruciating pain, the satisfaction is pretty short lived. Its only a matter of time , a year or two tops, before boredom sets in, and then old age and then sagging skin set in. Unless of course you are one of those tough biker dudes, whose dating joint is the local watering hole. You can totally attract the right kind of crowd then. Someone called Candy or Sugar.
Whats worse is people wearing them go from being bad-assed rebels to just plain ole tacky hags or hogs. And they are so permanent. They are there to stay. Till death do you part. Or perhaps, till complicated plastic surgery do you part.
Needless to add to that is the accidental oops moment. A tat slipping out when you are in a formal work setting. I maybe exaggerating a little, but I wouldnt trust a manager who had a scorpion tattoo on his shoulder that slipped out at a team event or an employee with a little heart on her lower back.
So, my request to y'all, especially the young ones, think long and hard before you go down this road. Unless you want to be the next Amy Winehouse or are getting ready to visit the old 'Hotel California', please dont get tattoos plastered over your body. And for some reason, if you hafta do it, please try and get a subtle one in some imperceptible place on your body, so it could become a relic soon to be forgotten.


Anonymous said...

itz okie to have tattos of whatever kinds and sizes and whereever but please make sure dat you have the correcet names tattoed in. you can't have a tatto with name 'misty' and go to your gf who is 'ruth'. this is when saxy tatto becomes ugly and 'ruth' will get ever uglier.

Anonymous said...

heheheh u tatooo boy

what goes around, comes around na!

Anonymous said...

dear abby,

why are some gender behaviors taken for granted? this is what i have been warned about -- not to gift glittering (or made in *&^%$ with lead) handbags to the signifant-other. i have ben warned that the significant-other may not like the handbag at all (it is just a handbag!! and it is the thought that counts though my thoughts are vivid) and the love-quotient may drop down dramatically. i have been warned that the fair-sexed significant-other/s need be gifted with safe gifts (however personal they may be) and handbags are not 'safe' gifts. fair enough for the fairer gender, but why is that i am told to shut up if i say "i do not like the tie that great" for the ties i always get as gifts? does not this amount to emotional-bullying by the fairer sex?


Miss D said...

dear sexasperated-in-bay-area,
Abby doesnt like Cliches. But Abby is compelled to use one in this case. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". Venusians, are far more competitive. A Venusian carrying the wrong purse, would be the butt of many a Venusian snigger. On the other hand, Martians are much more forgiving. Of course there are the dapper, Marvusians(metrosexuals) who have one leg in Mars and one in Venus who arent as forgiving. But, you get my drift. A Venusian, is merely trying to keep up with the high standards, she just has to.
Abby suggests, that the Martian become more aware of this simple law and get on with it, just because there are better battles to pick and whats an extra unused tie lying in the closet compared to years of fulfilling love and agreeability.(Sigh)
Abby wishes the couple the best in love and life.

Anonymous said...

My grandpa has a tattoo. Everyone has one now. Time to find some other way to express yourself. I never would have thought that something like a tat would become a sign of social conformity.

Miss D said...

dats funny! tats being a sign of social conformity:) Times are changing indeed!

DollHouse said...

I went to Doll House to get my dress and they promised they would get it in. I was so upset when they didn’t come through for me so I went Sassy Boutique. They were able to get my dress within three 3 days. They had wonderful customer service and nothing was a problem for them. I really appreciated the effort they made to make my night memorable. i will never go to dollhouse again.