Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Govinda bolo hari, govinda bolo harry!

Folks, as it turns out that my writing days as a fashionista may soon be ending. I may be out of a job soon , and whatever I do next, I dont think I will be travelling enough to observe the travesties around my fashion world.
I was watching one of the earlier episodes of sex and the city today and there was an episode where Carrie dates a 20 something guy. She stays over at his place, and the next morning tries to get some coffee. As she walks through the world of urban-outfitter candles and the like, she realizes what an utter mistake she has made! The little episode however reminded me of a long forgotten woe, the tye and dye shirt. I know people across the world, are nodding their heads in unison at this one.
The tye and dye shirt is one of those multi-coloured ensembles which started out being trendy and chic in the 70s. The "organic" earth colors connected the phool-children to their Mother. And I bet the pschydelic effect that they created was quite delightful as they sucked in their penny's worth of "fresh air". Unfortunately, the govinda-bolo-harry genre is long out and now we are stuck with the remnants of this coolness.
I have nothing against the paganistic folks, mind you. I just hope that my hippie sisters and brothers will heed to this bloggers' words and stop perpetuating this 'happy' myth.
Colorful puke, we can live without!


Anonymous said...

umm er, i had a few fashion peeves about her highness fashionishta herself!

Miss D said...

Hey! first off..this is my blog, so I make the rules.
I want to maintain a semblance of anonymity. And second, I am always very careful and refrain, as tempted as I am, from writing about friends and acquaintainces. So, if you still want to rant about your fashion peeves against me, you should send me an email:)

Anonymous said...

that kept you going, ain't it? the fashin-rage. makes me wonder why would you consider stopping the dry hair blog. keep writing!

Anonymous said...

daer abby, help me out.

it all happened some months back. i got a nice t-shirt as a souveiner (pardone the spellings) from .. let us say.. country a. and this t-shirt has some characters and some alphabets written on it.

abby, i love this shirt, it fits me well. i get approving looks and second glances only when i wear this shirt. abby, i am not a king of cellulite, neither i ever been in a 24 hour fitness centre; i look smiliar to a scare-crow on rice paddies of vijaywada but this shirt does fit me well. lately, i saw some jaw-dropping aghast and emphathy filled looks at my shirt, when i wore it, by inhabitants of .. let us b. obviosly, country a and country b have fought before.

abby, do i need be pollyticklly correct or be fashinably-correct? i don't want my shirt to be a fodder of ticks in the closet but neither do i want to see those agahst looks by certain people.

wonder who said "you can not have the shirt and wear it too".

--scare-crow in bay area

Miss D said...

dear scare-crow-in-bay-area,
Abby sympathises with your situation. Abby has always believed that the 'clothes may not maketh man, but definitely maketh perception about man'. Unfortunately, this is one of those times, where you have to look into your soul and take a stand on the politix. The power of fashion is that we become walking testaments of our times.
Abby suggests that despite everything, if you still want to wear the hot looking tshirt, wear it and follow it up with a witty slogan t-shirt the next day. Something on the lines of 'I cant speak XXX or YYY language'. Abby wishes you success in the diplomatic mission.

Miss D said...

And yeah! absolutely. It keeps me going. I have become less caustic in real life too:P
The thought just crossed my mind. Hopefully I wont have to give it up!

DollHouse said...

I went to Doll House and had the worst experience of my life. I ordered a dress 3 months before my formal and it didn’t come in. she told me the dress was customized but was told a week before my formal that they could not do it and was told to chose another dress from the shop which upset me as I had my heart set on the dress I ordered. Thank you Doll House for destroying my only formal it was the worst time.