Friday, March 24, 2006

Look out Abercrombie and Fitch

I travel a lot because of my work and hence I am in the cornucopia of the best runway to showcase fashion(or the lack of it) in this world - the airport.
I have a grievance against men 27 and above wearing tight Abercrombie and Fitch tshirts. Men, just a piece of advice - by bearing your breasts out(have you seen their nipples sticking out of those tight tshirts?) are not going to look any younger. You can pretend all you want. But thats the truth.
Which makes me wonder-Did you ask the mirror on the wall before you left home? "Who is the youngest of them all".
I want to look in the psyche of these people. They must be deeply insecure or they must be schiziophrenic. The first one because you are making an attempt to pretend to be someone you are not. These are the same guys who will ride skateboards to work. Or wear accessories - shell necklaces(you wore in the spring break in the '90s). or maybe show off their cute boxers from the back of their low low cut jeans.
Schiziophrenic-because all this makes sense to him because his sense of reality is defined by himself, and therefore he perceives his sense of style to be in perfect sync with the rest of his world. Or even better, he does'nt care.
Then there is the third kind - People who dont give a shit about what the world thinks. They want to do their thing. I admire this kind..but something tells me that they are few and far between.
It confuses poor souls like me who brand your clothes with your personality.
So next time you wear your A & Fs outside..just remember what you want to convey to the world out there.

1 comment:

ProgHo said...

I like to show my chest hair my opening the top three buttons of my long sleeve shirts. Very sexy, don't you think?